Jun 3, 2020

Internional zooming!

Tips for Teaching Spanish to Adults | LearnivoreThis was a different and special session because we heard the experience of  Wilson Moreno who is a Costa Rican teacher working in the United States. 
He teaches Spanish to young people there and shares everything about our culture.

In order to apply for that job, he told us that before moving there he had to take many online and some face-to-face interviews.

Professor Wilson talked about interesting facts about the educational system in the USA. For example, they have a specific school for trouble students called "Turning point". When students are very problematic they send them to this particular school for 1 week or more depending on their actions.
He said that one of the expressions
 there that got his attention and is very common for American people was "Bless your heart", it was an interesting fact. 
What "Bless Your Heart" Really Means | Teacher humor, Southern ...

Generally, he explained to us about the stages that he went through when he just arrived at his new home and work. It is very obvious that Professor Wilson loves what he does.



We met someone📚

This day we had a long conversation with Mr Wilson Moreno, a Costa Rican teachear in the US.

Mr. Moreno walked us through the experience of moving abroad to seek opportunities and encouraged us to get out of our confort zone. When you are the most confortable is the time to go and find something else.

We learned about the stages of cultural shock and learned about how there will be hard times in this experience.

The four stages of living abroad. It takes time to feel integrated but it's worth it! | missions, go, new culture |5 Stage of Culture Shock - How to Recognize, Overcome and Enjoy a Culture Shock!  What are the 5 stages of culture shock infographic?   #Travel #Culture #CultureShock #Shock #TravelShock #TravelProblems #Wanderlust #Explore #Exploring #TravelTheWorld #Traveling #Traveller #WhatIsCultureShock #CulturalDifference

He talked about a memeber of the program that sadly suffered from racisim, which is one of the things that "americans" do the best. 

Also discussed how english is another whole thing there! There are lots of accents and he lives in a southern area, where the accent is pretty strong and understanding took him a while. 

Hopefully, I'll have an experience like this one day. 
Not soon tho, cause Im s-c-a-r-e-d 😂
But, yeah.

                                                        sticker tea jamescharles sis Sticker by 🌊emily🌊

Special guest

2016 Participate Impact Report: Student Learning Outcomes

In this class we heard about the experience of  Wilson Moreno who is a Costa Rican teacher working in United States as a Spanish teacher. He shared with us some anecdotes of his journey, for example he told us that it was hard at the beginning, he experienced a cultural shock and that he passed through an adaptation period. Also, he shared the steps that he did to get the job, he had to pass through different interviews and the most important was with the principal of his possible new school. He mentioned the name of the program, Participate.
On the other hand, my classmates asked him some questions and he was so nice because he always tried that the answer was as clear as possible. 

This class was so interesting because I knew things that I did not know before, for example that the students must take languages lessons to go to college. Also, now I am curious to know more about these programs because I want to live new experiences when I finally obtain my degree.