May 20, 2020


We had asynchronous classes this day because the professor had problems with his internet connection. He posted some videos of another teacher explaining the past perfect, the past perfect progressive, the present perfect, the simple past and the past progressive. Also, 2 videos about the future tenses.

Past progressive
  • To describe actions that were in progress at a specific time in the past.
  • To explain what was in progress before an interruption.
Simple past
  • To describe actions finished in the past.
Present perfect
  • To explain an action that started in the past and continues to the present/future.
  • To describe finished action in the past with an indefinite time. 
Past perfect
  • To show that something happened (a finished action) before something else in the past.
Past perfect progressive
  • To express the past action already started an continue up to another action or time in the past.
I really enjoyed the videos because it was easy to understand what the teacher said. Now, the tenses are more clear but I need to practice them.