May 27, 2020

Future tenses

We had zoom meeting this day, the professor talked about the future tenses and explained the virtual stand activity that we have to present in June 10.

Future perfect
  • To say that something will be finished before a particular time in the future.
                          Future Perfect Tense: Useful Rules And Examples | Perfect tense ...
Future continuos
  • An activity which is in progress in the future at a future point in time.  
                                 Future Continuous Tense: Useful Rules & Examples | English tenses ...

Future perfect continuos
  • To talk about the duration of an activity which started in the past and extends to a future point in the time. 
                       Future Perfect Continuous Tense: Useful Rules & Examples (com ...
It was easy to understand the ideas so it was clear for me the differences between these tenses. It was the first time that I understand the tenses without any other explanation.